""Fan assisted oven with an upper and a lower heating element the fan evenly distributes the hot air inside the oven keeping constant the temperature to get more uniform cooking in different levels. *** Defrost Quickly and safely defrost your food with this gentle program to get your ingredients cook ready. *** The new Anti Stick tray is a cleverly designed tray, which due to it's textured grid pattern on the surface, prevents sticking, so keeping it clean is super simple. The tray also slots right into the oven as an extra shelf for added flexibility when cooking those big family meals. Steam Cleaning The eco friendly and automatic hydro cleaning cycle using only steam in 35 minutes at 90C. *** CONVECTION BAKE Fan assisted oven with an upper and a lower heating element the fan evenly distributes the hot air inside the oven keeping constant the temperature to get more uniform cooking in different levels. *** ""
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