MODEL BWM520BSS The No mess Waffle Classic circular waffle maker. Good waffle batters double in size when cooked. How do you make crispy golden waffles without the mess The No Mess Waffle elevated the subtle art of waffle making by catching and cooking batter overflow. The cooking plates , hinges and overflow moat and coated with a premium non stick finish. This minimises the need for oil and prevents the food from sticking and getting ruined. Thermally engineered heating elements ensure even heat distribution. With browning controls, you can customise your waffles from light and fluffy to crispy golden brown. The circular moat catches and cooks excess batter, keeping it in all in play and reducing mess. * Variable Browning Control * No mess Moat * Non stick Surface * Thermal Pro Even Heat * Ready Indicator Light Variable Browning Control With 7 settings to work with, you can enjoy light and fluffy or golden and crispy. It's all in your hands. No mess Moat Waffle batter has a tendency to spill out and onto your counter top, but with this thoughtful feature excess strays are under control. Non stick Surface Sticky batter will never stick to your cooking plates thanks to premium PFOA free non stick coating. Thermal Pro Even Heat Say goodbye to extra crispy edges and raw batter pockets. The Smart Waffle Pro distributes heat evenly across cooking plates. Ready Indicator Light The No mess Waffle illuminates when it's ready for you to pour on the batter.
Price: £98.95 from PRC Direct
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MODEL BWM620UK The Smart Waffle Pro 2 slice Waffle Maker with LCD display. Meet the 2 slice Waffle Maker that knows exactly how to turn batter into the precise creation for appetite desires. Turning sticky batter into golden brown goodness isnt always...